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Four Key Madame Web Comics

Writer's picture: Eric NortonEric Norton

Don’t look now, but the latest edition to the Spider-Verse is about to hit theaters later this month. Madame Web is dropping nationwide on February 14th, just in time for Valentine’s Day. So, if you don’t have a date this year, at least you can go solo to see it at your local theater. However, before you do, here are Four Key Madame Web Comics to check out before the movie hits the big screen. 

Amazing Spider-Man #210

Madame Web was introduced to comic book readers in Amazing Spider-Man #210 which hit shelves in November of 1980. Writer Dennis O’Neil, and artist John Romita Jr., had the pleasure of bringing Cassandra Webb to life on the page. She can see the future with her powerful psychic abilities and proves to be a valuable asset to Peter Parker as he deals with a ring of kidnappers led by Rupert Dockery and their relationship blossoms from there. Columbia Pictures tapped Dakota Johnson to portray Cassandra in the film, but this is a much different version than how she is shown in the book. Webb was born blind in the comics, but that doesn’t seem to be the case on screen. It will be interesting to see how this is handled in the film. 

Amazing Spider-Man #5

We have to fast forward to 1999 to find the second book on this list. That’s when Marvel dropped Amazing Spider-Man #5 in May of that year. Readers are introduced to the third Spider-Woman, Mattie Franklin, as well as the fourth, Charlotte Witter, who happens to be the granddaughter of Madame Webb. All four, yes, four, Spider-Women make appearances in this book written by Howard Mackie with artwork by John Bryne. Both Witter and Franklin have been rumored to appear in the film. Franklin is confirmed with Celeste O’Connor cast in the role. 

Amazing Spider-Man #637

Jump ahead to 2010 and that is where our next book is found. Amazing Spider-Man #637 is the fourth in the Grim Hunt story which features the last stand of the Kravens. This book is pretty heavy-handed with more than one character death, the least concerning is that of the first Madame Web.This leads to the second Madame Web, Julia Carpenter, and a new Spider-Girl, Anya Corazaon, both of whom are cast in the movie. Sydney Sweeney as Carpenter, and Isabela Merced as Corazon.

Amazing Spider-Man #30

The final book on the list is Amazing Spider-Man #30, which was released in June of 2001. This is where Ezekiel Sims makes his first appearance. However, he’s an ally to Spider-Man here, not the villain that he appears to be in the Madame Web trailers. Again, we’re going to have to wait to see how that plays out on screen. History buffs who saw Napoleon last summer will recognize Sims as Tahar Rahim who played Paul Barras in that film. The French-born actor looks to be ready to make his debut in Spider-Verse. 


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